Difference between a client, a contact, and a project

The difference between a client and a contact is that a client is an individual or business who is paying for your services and a contact is an individual or a business who you have interactions with. A project is anything with a due date.

What is a client?

A client is an individual or business who is paying for your services.

What is a contact?

A contact is an individual or a business who you have interactions with.

For example, your internet provider, bookkeeper for a client of yours, shareholder for an S-Corporation tax return you prepare or a banker.

You can maintain a contact list that includes all individuals and organizations that your firm has set up in Onvio.

In some cases, you may add contacts even if they are not a client or a staff of your firm. Simply use the Relationship tab to add the individual as an additional contact for a client.

What is a project?

A project is anything with a due date such as an individual tax return, business tax return or payroll.

You need to first add a client, then add a project before working in other Onvio applications.

If you have a contact associated with that client, you can share a project with that contact.

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